PowerChina Set to Undertake Iraq’s Largest Desalination Project
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PowerChina Set to Undertake Iraq’s Largest Desalination Project

On March 13, 2024, the Iraqi Cabinet made a significant decision authorizing the Governor of Basra Province to negotiate with a consortium responsible for executing the province’s desalination project and to sign relevant framework agreements. This move signals a new phase for this highly anticipated project, offering the prospect of stable freshwater supply to Basra Province.

According to a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Media Office on March 13, the authorized consortium will be fully responsible for the project’s planning, design, and preliminary survey work, with no financial obligations placed on the Basra Provincial Government at this stage. All details and outcomes negotiated will be submitted to the Cabinet for final review and decision-making to ensure the project progresses efficiently and transparently.

During a recent inspection visit to Basra Province, the Iraqi Prime Minister chaired a special meeting regarding the desalination project. During the meeting, the project implementing party, Al Rida Group, along with the consortium composed of POWER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION OF CHINA (PowerChina), presented detailed plans to the Prime Minister and attending officials. The plan has received high recognition and support from the Iraqi government since its inception.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister expressed keen interest in the final stages of negotiations and the progress of the committee under the leadership of the Basra Governor and the executing consortium. He emphasized the need to expedite the project to ensure its timely completion and commissioning. He urged all parties to finalize all details promptly and submit meeting minutes to the government for further decision-making to eliminate any obstacles that may affect the project’s progress.

Once completed, the project is set to become the world’s largest desalination project, with a daily production capacity of up to 1 million cubic meters, sufficient to meet the daily water needs of 3 to 4 million residents of Basra Province. Additionally, the project plans to construct an independent power station to ensure the energy supply for the desalination facilities is not affected by external factors, thereby guaranteeing the project’s sustained and stable operation.

This initiative by the Iraqi government not only promises to address the long-standing water scarcity issues in Basra Province but also provides strong support for the economic and social development of the province and the entire country.


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