China’s Role in Egypt’s Solar Power Revolution
China’s Role in Egypt’s Solar Power Revolution

China’s Role in Egypt’s Solar Power Revolution

Amidst the vast sands of the Egyptian desert, a green energy revolution is quietly taking shape. From the grandeur of the Benban Solar Park to the unique innovations of the Kom Ombo Solar Photovoltaic Station, the footprint of Chinese enterprises is ubiquitous, contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to the development of renewable energy in Egypt and beyond.

Benban Solar Park: A Radiant Jewel in Egypt’s Renewable Energy Landscape

In the global pursuit of renewable energy, Egypt, with its unique geographical location and abundant solar resources, has emerged as a crucial hub for solar power generation. Among these, the Benban Solar Park, located in the Aswan Governorate, stands out with its massive scale and outstanding capacity, garnering global attention. Occupying 37 square kilometers, the park comprises a network of 41 independent solar power plants, employing an innovative modular design that enhances operational flexibility and efficiency.

With a total capacity of a staggering 1.8 gigawatts (GW), the park can generate approximately 3.8 terawatt-hours (TWh) of clean energy annually, providing a significant impetus to Egypt’s, and indeed Africa’s, energy transition. Not only is the Benban Solar Park the largest solar power facility in Africa, but it also ranks fourth globally. This achievement not only underscores Egypt’s ambitions in the renewable energy sector but also reflects the global recognition and expectations for solar power generation.

As part of Egypt’s Nubian Feed-in Tariff (FiT) program, the successful commissioning and operation of this park signify a solid step towards Egypt’s goal of having renewable energy account for 20% of the national electricity mix by 2022. The ownership structure of the Benban Solar Park, as Egypt’s largest solar power project and indeed one of Africa’s, underscores the close collaboration between the government and enterprises. This collaborative model ensures effective financing, construction, operation, and long-term maintenance of the project.

In addition to investments from the Egyptian government, the Benban Solar Park has attracted participation from numerous domestic and international private companies. These companies, through consortiums of Independent Power Producers (IPP), collectively hold remaining stakes in individual power plants within the park. The successful construction of the Benban Solar Park owes much to a consortium of internationally renowned contractors, including Siemens, Egypt’s Orascom Construction Industries, Arab Contractors, and China Energy Engineering Group Corporation (Energy China).

Energy China, a leading Chinese firm in power and infrastructure construction, has undertaken numerous large-scale energy projects globally, bringing advanced technology and experience in renewable energy to the Benban Solar Park’s construction. First Solar provided efficient and reliable photovoltaic modules for the Benban project, ensuring the core components for efficient operation. JinkoSolar’s photovoltaic modules guaranteed high-quality, high-performance solar products for the Benban Solar Park’s utilization. With its profound expertise and experience in solar component integration, Artes Sunshine Power contributed significantly to the successful implementation of the Benban project. Additionally, Trina Solar’s photovoltaic components and system solutions for the Benban project contribute to ensuring its long-term stable operation and efficient energy output.

Kom Ombo Solar Photovoltaic Station: A Rising Star in Egypt’s Renewable Energy Sector

In Egypt’s renewable energy landscape, the Kom Ombo Solar Photovoltaic Station is capturing attention with its unique position and technology. Though smaller in scale compared to the Benban Solar Park, its innovative double-sided solar module technology and strategic location secure its place in Egypt’s, and indeed the world’s, renewable energy arena. This 200-megawatt (MW) solar power plant, situated near the town of Kom Ombo on the west bank of the Nile River, approximately 800 kilometers from Cairo, is developed and owned by the Saudi Arabia-based Independent Power Producer, ACWA Power.

With an investment of $165 million, the project is scheduled to commence operations in the first quarter of 2024 (as of March 1, 2024). Unlike traditional single-sided solar panels, the Kom Ombo Solar Power Plant employs double-sided solar modules, capturing sunlight from both sides and significantly enhancing overall energy yield. This innovative technology not only boosts the plant’s energy efficiency but also injects new vitality into Egypt’s renewable energy development.

Furthermore, the project adopts a Build-Own-Operate (BOO) model for power purchase agreements (PPA) to raise funds. This means ACWA Power will own and operate the power plant for 25 years before transferring ownership to the Egyptian government. This model ensures stable operation and long-term maintenance of the project while providing the Egyptian government with opportunities to gradually take over and manage renewable energy projects.

The project’s owner, Abu Dhabi-based Solar Power Company (ASPC), is a subsidiary of the UAE’s clean energy giant, AMEA Power. ASPC boasts deep expertise and extensive experience in the renewable energy sector, with its parent company, AMEA Power, having developed, constructed, and operated several clean energy projects globally. Sterling and Wilson Solar Limited, an Indian engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) company, are responsible for the construction of the Kom Ombo Solar Photovoltaic Station, taking over the project after Mahindra Susten Pvt. Ltd.’s exit due to COVID-19 impacts. With its rich experience in solar project construction, Sterling and Wilson Solar Limited’s expertise and technical prowess provide robust support for the project’s successful implementation.

Chinese solar equipment manufacturer, JinkoSolar, serves as a major supplier for the project, providing 560 MW of solar modules for the Kom Ombo Solar Photovoltaic Station. Through collaboration with JinkoSolar, the Kom Ombo Solar Photovoltaic Station adopts advanced technology and equipment, enhancing its energy output and operational efficiency.

In conclusion, the Benban Solar Park and the Kom Ombo Solar Photovoltaic Station represent significant milestones in Egypt’s journey towards renewable energy adoption. With the involvement of Chinese enterprises and international partners, these projects not only contribute to Egypt’s energy transition but also exemplify global collaboration in advancing renewable energy technologies. As Egypt continues to harness its abundant solar resources, it positions itself as a beacon of sustainable energy development in the region and beyond.


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